Use Startup Manager to change Grub settings
Grub is the bootup utility that controls which OS to load by default and other bootup settings. You can change Grub settings from the Startup Manager:
System -> Administration -> Startup Manager
If Startup Manager is not installed, install it:
sudo apt-get install startupmanager
Note: You can also edit the Grub settings manually from the command-line interface.
Dual-Booting Mac OS X and Ubuntu
* Also see these tips for installing multiple OS.
Mac OS X has a similar structure to Linux (it is BSD Unix based). Dual-booting Mac OS X and Ubuntu detailed instructions can be found here.
Installing Mac OS X after Ubuntu
* If you decide to dual boot with OS X, choose ext2 as your partition type during the Ubuntu installation. (For this the Super Grub Disk CD is a useful utility. You can download the Super Grub .iso image file at and burn the image to a CD-ROM.)
* Once you have installed Ubuntu, edit the Grub start-up list:
sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
and add the following lines:
title Mac OS X
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
Reboot your Mac and go to the terminal in Max OS X (if you have any issues booting, boot from your Mac OS X DVD). Press F8 and enter -s. Enter:
fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0
flag 2 <--note that flag 2 is my Mac partition number two quit y reboot * If are still unsure whether it is working correctly, use the Super Grub Disk CD and make grub active. Installing Ubuntu after Mac OS X * If you get an error message during boot such as HFS+error in the bootloader, you can also use the Super Grub Disk for recovering Linux GRUB and the Windows MBR (Master Boot Record). * Once you have installed Ubuntu, edit the Grub start-up list: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst and add the following lines: title Mac OS X root (hd0,0) makeactive chainloader +1 If you have issues with Mac OSX or Windows in GRUB, try changing the Mac OS X Grub entry change root (hd0,0) to root (hd0,1) This means you will boot into partition number 1. You can try any partition number until you get it right. Upgrading Intrepid or Jaunty to Karmic * Also see the official Ubuntu desktop upgrade documentation. There are several methods for upgrades from the command-line interface (Terminal) (which can be used for both the desktop and server editions of Ubuntu/Kubuntu). * This is the preferred method: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core sudo do-release-upgrade * You can also use the update-manager (all editions): sudo apt-get install update-manager sudo update-manager -d * You can also use: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (Note: the first two lines simply make sure your current distribution is current before upgrading the entire distribution, and are optional. Reinstalling applications after a fresh install If you upgrade your Ubuntu system with a fresh install, it is possible to mark the packages and services installed on your old system (prior to the upgrade) and save the settings ("markings") into a file. Then install the new version of Ubuntu and allow the system to reinstall packages and services using the settings saved in the "markings" file. For instructions, see this Ubuntu forum thread. In brief: * On the old system: Synaptic Package Manager -> File -> Save Markings
* Save the markings file to an external medium, such as USB drive.
* Complete the backup of your system's other important files (e.g. the /home directory) before the fresh install of the new system.
* In the freshly installed new system, again open Synaptic Package Manager -> File -> Read markings and load the file on your USB drive (or other external storage) previously saved.
Note: Many packages, dependencies, and compatibilities change between version of Ubuntu, so this method does not always work. Automated updates remains the recommended method.
Ubuntu Resources
* Ubuntu Forums has a large community for online solutions and specific help.
* Ubuntu Doctors Guild -- a collection of tips for using (K)ubuntu Linux in health care environments
Gnome Project
* Gnome is the default desktop in Ubuntu.
Ubuntu Screenshots and Screencasts
There are old screenshots available at:
* New screenshots of 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope:
* Ubuntu Videos at DailyMotion
New Applications Resources
* GetDeb - Features the latest versions of software available from the official repositories as well as software not available in the official repositories. Available in easy-to-install .deb files (see Apt and Package Basics).
* Top 100 Open source Applications
* Daily Ubuntu Applications
Other *buntu guides and help manuals
* Kubuntuguide
* Xubuntu -- Xubuntu can run with as little as 256 Mb RAM. It is better for older machines with limited resources.
* official Ubuntu Server Guide -- a good starting reference for server packages
Add Extra Ubuntu Repositories
Software packages and programs are freely available for download at multiple online sites with standardized structures, called repositories. There are repositories officially sanctioned and monitored by the Kubuntu/Ubuntu developer community, while other repositories are independently provided, without official sanction or supervision (and should be used with caution)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 part 2
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 Part1
How to find out which version of Ubuntu you're using
Open the command terminal and type:
lsb_release -a
How to find out which kernel you are using
uname -r
Newer Versions of Ubuntu
* Ubuntu has a six month release cycle, with releases in April and October.
* Lucid Lynx (10.04 LTS), scheduled for release in April 2010, will be the next LTS (Long-term support) version.
* Mighty Mandrill (10.10), scheduled for release in October 2010. This will not be an LTS version.
Older Versions of Ubuntu
* Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) (supported until October 2010)
* Intrepid Ibex (8.10) (supported until April 2010)
* Hardy Heron (8.04 LTS) (Long Term Support version with desktop support until April 2011 and server support until April 2013)
* Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) (no longer supported)
* Feisty Fawn (7.04) (no longer supported)
* Dapper Drake (6.06 LTS) (Long Term Support for server until June 2011; desktop no longer supported)
General Notes
* Ubuntuguide is unofficial and is not associated with Canonical Ltd.
* Ubuntu allows a user to accomplish tasks from either a menu-driven Graphical User Interface (GUI) or from a text-based command-line interface (CLI). In Ubuntu, the command-line-interface terminal is called Terminal, which is started: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal.
Text inside the grey dotted box like this should be put into the command-line Terminal.
* Many changes to the operating system can only be done by a User with Administrative privileges. 'sudo' elevates a User's privileges to the Administrator level temporarily (i.e. when installing programs or making changes to the system). Example:
sudo bash
* 'gksudo' should be used instead of 'sudo' when opening a Graphical Application through the "Run Command" dialog box. Example:
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
* "man" command can be used to find help manual for a command. For example, "man sudo" will display the manual page for the "sudo" command:
man sudo
* While "apt-get" and "aptitude" are fast ways of installing programs/packages, you can also use the Synaptic Package Manager, a GUI method for installing programs/packages. Most (but not all) programs/packages available with apt-get install will also be available from the Synaptic Package Manager. In this guide, when you see
sudo apt-get install package
you can search for package in Synaptic and install it that way.
* Many instructions use the text editor "nano" (which is universally available in Linux). However, it is often easier to use the text editor "gedit" in Ubuntu instead.
* "Applications" means the bottom-left (or upper-left) button, akin to the Start button in Microsoft Windows.
* If you are using the 64-bit version, replace any "i386" with "amd64"
Installing Ubuntu
Warning: Ubuntu Desktop edition installer no longer allows a custom installation of GRUB, and it now uses GRUB2, which allows very little customization. DO NOT USE the Karmic Koala Desktop edition if you use a boot partition, use multiple OS (more than 2), or chainload bootloaders. The Ubuntu installer will overwrite your Master Boot Record and you will later be forced to recreate it. This is a serious flaw in Karmic Koala. Use the Ubuntu Server edition instead (and then later add the ubuntu-desktop).
Hardware requirements
Ubuntu Karmic Koala runs well with as little as 384 Mb RAM. (The installer requires a minimum of 256 Mb RAM, while the alternative installer can run using only 192 Mb RAM.) Netbooks can run Ubuntu Karmic Koala.
The install takes between 3-4 Gb hard drive space, and 8 - 10 Gb will be needed to run comfortably.
If you have an older computer with less memory than this, consider Xubuntu (if between 256 Mb and 512 Mb RAM) or PuppyLinux or DSL (if less than 256 Mb RAM).
Warning: The new Linux kernel supplied with Karmic Koala has a flaw in the motherboard / CPU fan sensor modules. It requires that your hardware be compatible with existing drivers, or your computer will slow to a crawl and then freeze. See this section for a more thorough discussion.
Fresh Installation
Download the latest ISO image from Ubuntu 9.10. See this guide for burning the ISO image to a CD.
Use the CD for installation.
Dual-Booting Windows and Ubuntu
Rarely, a user may experience problems dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows. In general, a Windows OS should be installed first, because its bootloader is very particular. A Windows installation usually occupies the entire hard drive, so the partition needs to be shrunk, creating free space for the Ubuntu partition. (You should clean up unnecessary files and defragment the drive before resizing.) The Windows partition can be resized from within Windows Vista using the shrink/resize option in the Administrative Tools --> Disk Management tool. If using Windows XP (or other Windows OS), use GParted partition manager to shrink the Windows partition and thereby leave free space on the hard drive for the Ubuntu partition.
After shrinking the Windows partition, you should reboot once into Windows prior to installing Ubuntu. This allows the Windows system to automatically rescan the newly-resized partition (using chkdsk) and write changes to its own bootup files. (If you forget to do this, you may later have to repair the Windows partition bootup files manually using the Windows Recovery Console.)
If done this way, there is no problem installing Ubuntu as the second operating system and it is done automatically from the Ubuntu LiveCD. Allow the Ubuntu LiveCD to install to "largest available free space."
A Windows partition should be at least 20 Gb (recommended 30 Gb), and a Ubuntu partition at least 10 Gb (recommended 20 Gb). Obviously, if you have plenty of disk space, make the partition for whichever will be your favoured operating system larger. For a perspective on other partitioning schemes, see this Psychocats Guide to Partitioning or this Ubuntu intro to alternative partitioning.
Alternatives include:
* Wubi (Windows-based Ubuntu Installer), an officially supported dual-boot installer that allows Ubuntu to be run mounted in a virtual-disk within the Windows environment (which can cause a slight degradation in performance). Because the installation requires an intact functioning Windows system, it is recommended to install Ubuntu in this manner for short-term evaluation purposes only. A permanent Ubuntu installation should be installed in its own partition, with its own filesystem, and should not rely on Windows.
* EasyBCD, a free Windows-based program that allows you to dual-boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu (as well as other operating systems) by configuring the Vista bootloader.
Installing multiple OS on a single computer
Warning: Ubuntu Desktop edition installer no longer allows a custom installation of GRUB, and it now uses GRUB2, which allows very little customization. DO NOT USE the Karmic Koala Desktop edition if you use a boot partition, use multiple OS (more than 2), or chainload bootloaders. The Ubuntu installer will overwrite your Master Boot Record and you will later be forced to recreate it. This is a serious flaw in Karmic Koala. Use the Ubuntu Server edition instead (and then later add the ubuntu-desktop).
If you want to install more than 2 operating systems on a single computer, check out these tips.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Latihan 2
int main (void)
int a, b, c;
printf("----- Mencari bilangan terbesar dari 3 bilangan -----\n\n");
printf("Masukkan angka, kemudian tekan enter\n");
printf("Bilangan pertama: ");
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("Bilangan kedua: ");
scanf("%d", &b);
printf("Bilangan ketiga: ");
scanf("%d", &c);
if(a > b && a > c)
{ printf("\nBilangan terbesar adalah %d", a); }
else if (b > a && b > c)
{ printf("\nBilangan terbesar adalah %d", b); }
else if (c > a && c > b)
{ printf("\nBilangan terbesar adalah %d", c); }
else {
printf("\nSelamat, semua bilangan sama besar..!! ^_^"); }
getch () ;
return 0;
latihan 1
int main (void)
int angka;
printf("Masukkan angka: ");
scanf("%d", &angka);
printf("angka ini ");
if(angka%2 == 0)
{ printf("genap"); }
else { printf("ganjil"); }
getch () ;
return 0;
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Berpikir sederhana
Kenapa aku dlu ngga berpikir kayak gini ya, begitu banyak kesempatan yang ku buang.
Ayo kita BELAJAR dari kisah ini.
Terpetik sebuah kisah, seorang pemburu berangkat ke hutan dengan membawa busur dan tombak. Dalam hatinya dia berkhayal mau membawa hasil buruan yang paling besar, yaitu seekor rusa. Cara berburunya pun tidak pakai anjing pelacak atau jaring penyerat, tetapi menunggu di balik sebatang pohon yang memang sering dilalui oleh binatang-binatang buruan.
Tidak lama ia menunggu, seekor kelelawar besar kesiangan terbang hinggap di atas pohon kecil tepat di depan si pemburu. Dengan ayunan parang atau pukulan gagang tombaknya, kelelawar itu pasti bisa diperolehnya. Tetapi si pemburu berpikir, "untuk apa merepotkan diri dengan seekor kelelawar? Apakah artinya dia dibanding dengan seekor rusa besar yang saya incar?"
Tidak lama berselang, seekor kancil lewat. Kancil itu sempat berhenti di depannya bahkan menjilat-jilat ujung tombaknya tetapi ia berpikir, "Ah, hanya seekor kancil, nanti malah tidak ada yang makan, sia-sia." Agak lama pemburu menunggu. Tiba-tiba terdengar langkah-langkah kaki binatang mendekat, pemburupun mulai siaga penuh,tetapi ternyata, ah... kijang. Ia pun membiarkannya berlalu. Lama sudah ia menunggu, tetapi tidak ada rusa yang lewat, sehingga ia tertidur.
Baru setelah hari sudah sore, rusa yang ditunggu lewat. Rusa itu sempat berhenti di depan pemburu, tetapi ia sedang tertidur. Ketika rusa itu hampir menginjaknya, ia kaget. Spontan ia berteriak, Rusa!!!" sehingga rusanya pun kaget dan lari terbirit-birit sebelum sang pemburu menombaknya. Alhasil ia pulang tanpa membawa apa-apa.
Banyak orang yang mempunyai idealisme terlalu besar untuk memperoleh sesuatu yang diinginkannya. Ia berpikir yang tinggi-tinggi dan bicaranya pun terkadang sulit dipahami. Tawaran dan kesempatan-kesempatan kecil dilewati begitu saja, tanpa pernah berpikir bahwa mungkin di dalamnya ia memperoleh sesuatu yang berharga. Tidak jarang orang orang seperti itu menelan pil pahit karena akhirnya tidak mendapatkan apa-apa.
Demikian juga dengan seseorang yang mengidamkan pasangan hidup, yang mengharapkan seorang gadis cantik atau perjaka tampan yang alim, baik, pintar dan sempurna lahir dan batin, harus puas dengan tidak menemukan siapa-siapa.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
float a, b, c, d, r , e;
printf("Carilah, berapa nilai x dari : \n");
printf("x = 8 + 5 * (9 - 2)/4\n");
printf("Nilai X adalah = ");
printf(" %f\n",e);
yg ini tolong koreksi,hehe
int main(void)
float a, b, c, d;
printf("Carilah Rata-rata dari blangan dibawah ini: \n");
printf("a = 9\n");
printf("b = 5\n");
printf("c = 8\n");
printf("Hasil rata-rata adalah = ");
printf(" %f\n",d);
return 0;
main(void) {
char a; // tipe karakter
int b; // tipe integer (bilangan bulat)
float c; // tipe float (bilangan real)
// tipe string, pendeklarasiannya
// harus langsung diinisialisasi
// inisialisasi variabel
* menampilkan isi variabel ke konsol
* perhatikan untuk aturan pemformatannya
* %d untuk integer, %f untuk float, %c untuk char, %s untuk string
printf("Nama : zepie\n",a);
printf("umur : 25 tahun\n",b);
printf("berat : 45 kg \n",c);
// boleh menambahkan baris berikut ini
// di setiap akhir main
return 0;
jangan lupa koment ya:)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Jual Fireware nokia update 2009
kalo ada yang minat silahkan
ym ke
pasti file yang terbaru dan hanya bahasa indonesia
jadi anda tidak repot lagi proses intalasi
di kirim ke seluruh indonesia.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The best solution to improve the windows system
you want the system to improve windows, update security (automatic), registry clean up, and more?
Download files below:
actually how it works with almost the same tune - up, but more accurately this application.
good luck.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
tips and trick speed up internet in windows
Do you know the windows system to limit your connection is only 20%?????
to change so that the connection is not limited
follow this intruction :
- Start
- Run
- write in the run " gpedit.msc "
- Computer Configuration
- Adminitrative template
- Network
- Qos Packet Scheduler
- Limit Reservable Bandwidth
- select enable and replace 20% to 0%
good luck
Hard Reset Handphone Nokia OS Symbian
why do my mobile phone at a snail's pace?
and often restart itself, make us dizzy.
solution is now
- now back-up first contact, because the reset time in the mobile data's is lost!!!!!!!
I can not use our mobile phones through additional applications can be downloaded at the link below |
data on all mobile phones will be lost, you should first save the data in the data-memory card
I first
after you save the data in the memory card and memback up the number of contacts.
turn off your mobile phone