Thursday, March 4, 2010

Add Extra Ubuntu Repositories

Software packages and programs are freely available for download at multiple online sites with standardized structures, called repositories. There are repositories officially sanctioned and monitored by the Kubuntu/Ubuntu developer community, while other repositories are independently provided, without official sanction or supervision.

Types of Repositories

There are four major package repository types in Ubuntu:

  • main - Supported by Canonical. This is the major part of the distribution.
  • restricted - Software not licensed under the GPL (or similar software license), but supported by Canonical.
  • universe - Software licensed under the GPL (or similar license) and supported by users.
  • multiverse - Software not licensed under the GPL (or similar license), but supported by users.
There are also these additional types of repositories:
  • Karmic-updates - Updates to official packages.
  • Karmic-backports - Current version software from Jaunty+1 (Karmic) that have been backported to Jaunty Jackalope.
  • Karmic-proposed - Proposed updates & changes (bleeding edge stuff).

Third party repositories

Software developers often maintain their own repositories, from which software packages can be downloaded and installed directly to your computer (if you add the repository to your list). Many of these third party repositories and software packages have never been reviewed by the (K)Ubuntu/Debian community and can present a security risk to your computer. Trojans, backdoors, and other malicious software can be present at any unregulated repository. When using repositories not endorsed by the (K)ubuntu/Debian community, make sure you have utter confidence in that site before enabling the repository and installing a software package from it.

Add Repositories using Synaptic Package Manager

This is the preferred method.
  • System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager -> Settings -> Repositories.
  • Here you can enable the repositories for Ubuntu Software and Third Party Software.
  • For Third Party Software select Add -> enter the repository's address. It will have a format similar to:
                         deb karmic main restricted
                         deb-src karmic main restricted
          Example: To add the Medibuntu repository, Add:

          deb karmic free non-free

Download the repository key to a folder.

Example: The Medibuntu key can be downloaded from

Then add the key from:

System --> Administration  --> Synaptic Manager  --> Settings  --> Repositories  --> Authentication  --> Import Key File...

(Alternatively, you can manually add the key from the command line Terminal. See Add Repository keys.)

Refresh the package list from the new repository:

Synaptic --> Reload

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Date Released : 5 February 2010
Quality : R5
Info :
Starring : John Travolta, Jonathan Rhys M, Kasia Smutniak

Richard Stevens (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) tak pernah mengira bahwa bekerja di kedutaan besar Amerika Serikat di Perancis memiliki resiko yang sangat tinggi. Richard sadar bahwa bekerja dalam bidang intelejen memang punya resiko tapi ia tak pernah mengira bahwa resikonya bakal sebesar itu.

Charlie Wax (John Travolta) adalah pria yang membuka mata Richard tentang resiko sebenarnya dari pekerjaan ini. Charlie adalah seorang agen FBI yang dikirim ke Perancis untuk menggagalkan sebuah usaha terorisme yang telah tercium pihak intelejen Amerika. Berbeda dengan Richard, Charlie adalah orang yang lucu namun tak ragu-ragu menembak bila itu diperlukan.

Karena tugas mengharuskan, tak ada pilihan buat Richard selain mendampingi Charlie selagi ia berusaha melacak jejak para teroris ini. Pengalaman baru jelas ia dapatkan. Promosi bisa dipastikan sudah di depan mata. Masalahnya, benarkah Richard Steven sudah siap dengan semua resiko yang akan ia hadapi saat berhadapan dengan para teroris yang sedang ia buru ini? (kpl/roc)

Download Movie Part1                     Download Subtitle English

Download Movie Part2                     (password=ultrascorp)

Download Movie Part3


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Monday, March 1, 2010


Date Released : 22 January 2010

Quality : R5 LINE XviD-MENTiON
Info :
Starring : Dennis Quaid, Kate Walsh, Lucas Black

Ada film terbaru 2010 yang baru release, di bawah ini sinopsis :

Semakin hari perkembangan peradaban di bumi makin mengenaskan. Teknologi berkembang pesat sementara nilai-nilai luhur agama mulai terlupakan. Orang tak lagi melihat nilai agama itu sebagai sebuah nilai yang relevan. Teknologi modern telah menggantikannya. Tuhan pun memutuskan sudah saatnya bumi dibersihkan seperti jaman Nabi Nuh.

Tuhan lantas memerintahkan para malaikatnya untuk turun ke bumi dan memusnahkan seluruh umat manusia agar bumi bisa diselamatkan. Kehidupan baru akan menggantikan kehidupan lama yang sudah mengalami dekadensi dan tak lagi bisa diselamatkan. Dipimpin Gabriel (Kevin Durand) para malaikat pun turun untuk melaksanakan tugasnya, kecuali satu malaikat yang tak sependapat dengan Tuhan. Michael (Paul Bettany) menganggap umat manusia masih punya harapan.

Michael pun turun ke bumi, bukan untuk mengemban tugas dari Tuhan namun untuk menyelamatkan umat manusia. Satu-satunya harapan Michael adalah jika ia bisa menyelamatkan Charlie (Adrianne Palicki). Konon, Charlie sedang mengandung seorang bayi yang nantinya akan menjadi juru selamat bagi seluruh umat manusia.

Download SubTitle Bahasa Indonesia :                                                    


Download film :


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The Twilight Saga: New Moon [Blu-ray]

FANS OF THE BOOK -- You will LOVE this film!!!, November 20, 2009
By Closet Twilighter (Palo Alto, CA)
This review is from: The Twilight Saga: New Moon [Theatrical Release] (Theatrical Release)
Let me say, I LOVE the "Twilight" books. Like, REALLY LOVE them. I love to read, and I usually read the classics. I'm a Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, Bronte Sisters kind of girl. My friend insisted for two years that I should read "Twilight", but I kept thinking, "Teen vampire romance? Not my kind of book." Finally, this 29-year-old mother of three was on a flight by myself with some time to read, so I bought "Twilight". I absolutely DEVOURED it--I read one book a day until I had finished the entire saga in four days. Luckily, "Breaking Dawn" had just been released, so I didn't have to wait. The "Twilight" books are my absolute FAVORITE guilty pleasure--I love the fluff, the cheesy dialogue, the LOVE--all of it.

For me, "New Moon" really needed to redeem all that was wrong with the "Twilight" movie. After watching "Twilight" last year, I was SO disappointed. Catherine Hardwicke had just taken our beloved series and turned it into a made-for-TV movie. I laughed at all of the wrong places. How Bella and Edward fell in love was completely rushed. I could go on. Melissa Rosenberg butchered the book and everything that made me obsessed with it. Sure, "Twilight" was fun to watch because it was "Twilight", but the portrayal was so, so, so wrong on so many levels. My favorite book had been reduced to lines like "spider monkey."

WELL, "NEW MOON" JUST MADE UP FOR EVERY CATHERINE-HARDWICKE WRONG! FANS OF THE BOOK WILL ADORE THIS MOVIE. Edward actually smiles! The acting was SO much better, the visuals were stunning, and the dialogue was much, much improved over "Twilight". I honestly didn't want it to end. It stayed so true to the book we all love, and the little additions were perfect. I really felt like I was watching Bella on screen--Kristen Stewart was spot on. Every expression, every sad word was perfect. AND THEY SAID, "I LOVE YOU," something that was blaringly absent in "Twilight". Chris Weitz has made a stunning, gorgeous film that lovers of the book will adore! **I secretly wish he could remake "Twilight". This is what "Twilight" should have been!** This closet Twilighter was pleased beyond belief.

It seems like most of the critics' negative reviews have problems with the plot, the story, etc. Well, if you like the book and, therefore, like the plot and the story, you will love the film because Chris Weitz is true to the book beyond what I could have imagined or hoped for. This movie felt like it was made for the fans, so I can understand that if you're not a fan of the series how it may feel like a laboured effort to watch "New Moon". But if you love Bella and Edward **and even Jacob--Taylor Lautner was FANTASTIC in this!**, you will leave wanting more!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sukses instal Macintosh di acer 3810 Timeline

Alhamdulillah sudah sekitar 2 bulan lebih saya make Macintosh ( Hackintosh iDeneb V 10.5.7 ) di acer 3810 Timeline. ada beberapa hardware yang belum bisa jalan yaitu Wireless, Lan, Camera. kalo aplikasi nya hampir semua jalan, tapi aplikasi yang butuh VGA tinggi ngga bisa jalan karena VGA Intel GMA 4500HD ngga ada driver untuk Mac.

Tapi saya cukup puas dengan bisa menikmati Macintosh di Acer saya, karena tanpa beli Mac saya bisa belajar mengoperasikan Macintosh. Tapi perlu usaha juga buat bisa jalan di Notebook saya.

Ini Speksifikasi Notebook saya :

Ini Dekstop nya :

Nanti saya posting Tutorial install Macintoshnya.
sering-sering aja cek ini blog.ok

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